Up to speed....

I just wanted to let you know that your good thoughts worked.
Chris passed the flight aptitude test on his first try!!!!
He just has a few more steps to go before his packet is completed and then it can be turned in for (hopefully) approval.
As I talked about in the earlier post....the Christmas tree did in fact go up last Sunday. We need help:)..
I had to go to Alex's parent teacher conference yesterday. He's doing way better than they expected. You have no idea how happy this makes us.
Since it's Veteran's Day and almost Chris' birthday, I'm kindly letting the Veteran/Birthday boy sleep in this morning. We don't have any plans for today but tomorrow I know that Chris is getting Chinese food for his B-day supper. It's what he wants. I feel bad that he doesn't have any presents to open tomorrow. You see, last month while Chris was in the field I ordered him him a nice wool top coat and a new soft-end blanket (his old yellow one is on its last "legs") and they should have been here before he got back...but that didn't happen...also by some strange turn of events the box was sent by boat and showed up falling apart and soaking wet. This of course meant that the contents had to be inspected right away so the surprise was ruined....It's a good thing that JCPenney ships their stuff individually sealed in plastic.
I hope you all are well. Hugs and Kisses....
Just FYI..the second picture is of Chris at the age of 5...
Hi guys. I can't believe Chris is going to be 30!! That doesn't seem possible. Be sure and tell him I said Happy Birthday & I love him! I think Gabe looks just like him, and Alex looks just like you! They are both too adorable!
Love you guys,
Congratulations Chris....I knew you would do it! Happy Happy Birthday tomorrow. Kerri great pictures! Betty is right, your kids are spitting images of you and Chris! They are both adorable! And they are going to be grown by the time you guys come home! You guys take care....love you all!
I'll pass on all the well wishes to Chris!
I think you two are forgetting what I look like. Alex is the spitting image of Chris in his early years..Gabe looks like Chris does now. It's weird becasue if you break them down by features you will discover that Gabe has Chris' eye shape, nose, hair and jaw line but he has my eye color, chin, ears,fingers and toes. Alex has Chris' eye color, chin and ears but he has my nose, ears, and eye shape....the boys are the exact opposite in every way.....including the fact that Gabe is right-handed and Alex is a lefty.
Thank you Patty and Betty for the comments. We love you and miss you. If Chris gets flight school we will be back to visit sooner than we thought.
Hi guys...HAPPY BIRTHDAY CHRIS!!! Your Mom & I just tried to call you, I bet you guys are out eating Chinese food! Shannon wanted me to let you know that she is on the way to Norman and wasn't able to call you from her cell phone. She is going to call again later. She didn't want you to think that she has forgotten her baby boy on his B-Day! Congratulations on passing your flight test! I'm in total awe of you! That is pretty impressive! Kerri, Gabe & Alex...love you guys! And Kerri,,,I REALLY am enjoying your blog site!
Hi Everyone...Happy Birthday Chris!
Hi hope this goes through, I've written several timesbut it didn't show up, then I called Betty. Happy Birthday Christiaan, hope it was a good day for you, congratulations on the test. Maybe you'll come back to take training. You have beautiful boys, they look just like both of you. Love you, Grandma
Hi from Newcastle! I love your blog! To Chris: Congrats on passing the ap test for warrant officer . . . hope subsequent steps toward this goal are also successful. To Gabe & Alex: Everytime I went by the Pumpkin Patch last month I remembered the fun time we had when we visited there together and wished we could do it again. To Kerri: It seems lots of good things are happening for you . . . .good news about hubby & kids, new furniture, holiday activities . . .I'm glad for you. I'm getting busy preparing for Thanksgiving dinner at my house . . . it's starting to look like a pumpkin patch and turkey farm around here . . .gotta make a couple of batches of "test" hot rolls so "good" ones will be on the table for the family dinner. We will miss ya'll like we do every holiday! Love ya' lots!
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