Happy Thanksgiving...
I hope everyone had a wonderful Turkey Day. We had some friends over and that made it an extra nice day. Having company gave me a great excuse for doing my deep holiday cleaning. You know us...we must have motivation.
Tomorrow we are putting up the Christmas tree and all that goes with it....Aren't you proud we waited this long?!?!
I'm almost done with Book Fair stuff. I made it through the actual event and now it's just time to box up the leftover books, send them back and figure out the financial worksheets. Fun Fun!
Nothing really new to report. Chris has been working, working, working and doing some more working. The boys are great..though they do seem to have a little more energy than I like. I think it has to do with the weather being so ick that they just aren't getting as much outside, run around time.

I hope you like the pictures. The one of Alex is from his Corn Fest on Wednesday. The one of the bedroom is of the boy's new bed. We are still buying Alex (or Gabe) another one but right now this is good enough. They don't mind sharing (for the moment). I just hope they don't destroy this one. The last one is of some church we passed on the way to Wuerzburg. We took the scenic tour since shouldn't go over a 100 kmh until we get the new parts put on the car.
Have a turkey sandwich for me and Happy Holidays!
Hi guys! Happy Thanksgiving! Love ya'll....Betty
Hi, everybody! I loved the Halloween costumes. Merry Christmas to all of you. Love you,
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