The last week.......
So, last weekend Gabe ended up in the ER...he was going into anaphylactic shock....Who knew he was allergic to cashews.
Poor kid had it all...puking, hives/swelling/redness from head to toe and that pesky inability to breathe. All from one...ONE..stupid cashew.
I don't know how he made it to almost 11 without ever having a cashew except he might be the 2nd pickiest eater on the face of the earth. I'd give him top pickiness honors but he likes spicy food and his brother lives on grilled cheese and yellow box (Jeno's) pizza....So Big Al wins the picky contest.
I spent all this week going to doctor's appointments and getting stared at like I had a rabid monkey on my forehead every. blessed. time. I told someone that the kid had never had a cashew.
So far, the German Doc gave us some Prednisone suppositories....Yeah, I can see it now: Gabe eats cashew in public ...difficulty breathing, redness and hives everywhere, and puking (gawd that was bad)and I'm supposed to whip his pants down and shove something up his booty....Have these people never heard of an Epi-Pen?
I'm going back to our clinic to get several on Tuesday.
Friday night, Gabe declared that he was bored and that he was going to clean the bathroom....pretty strange behavior for a child that once yelled at me that he didn't know why I had to make everything freakishly clean....but I'm not complaining about his new found clean side. I'm just going to let him clean whatever he wants. I don't know if he's just getting older or if his little brush with death had something to do with it but I'm liking it so much. Since I moved him into his own room, I haven't had to tell him to clean it once...he just does it....My baby is growing up. (and I can't believe that he'll be 11 tomorrow)...
Here are some pictures from a few weeks ago. We had a scheduled power outage so I took the boys to Rothenburg.

Gosh Kerri, how scary about Gabe. Poor kid! I hope after all that hospital stuff he at least had a great birthday! Sorry I didnt send this sooner but tell him I say Happy LATE Birthday. You guys take ya!
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