I'm pretty sure that it's the middle of March....

I know, I know, I know...I'm bad, bad, bad! I honestly just haven't been in the mood to type things here....That's my only excuse. I keep promising but then life just sorta gets in the way. Well, life and Ocean's Express.
I'm so behind that I don't even know where to begin....
I guess I'll start with where I left off:
Chris got out of the hospital and spent almost two weeks at home recovering. It kept him out of the field but he was ohsobored sitting on the couch doing nothing but watching TV or playing video games.
When Chris finally made it back to work it was nothing short of crazy. Long hours and weekends..ugh! Of course he's now been in the field for the last 3 weeks...but he'll be back soon...we think.
Gabe had his Blue and Gold ceremony for Boy Scouts. He earned several new pins, patches and beltloops. Chris took pictures but somehow managed not to get any with Gabe's face. So sorry, no pics of that.
In other Gabe news...He made Honor Roll and has started taking horseback riding lessons from Frau Tischer in Untenhofen...it's about a 15 minute drive from here. He just loves it. You should have seen the pure euphoria on his face when he got to try trotting on Friday.
Alex is once again just being Alex. He's learning more but we still have fake sneezing and coughing almost every morning...He's sooooo sick....Yeah, good try pal, you're still going to school.
Well, since Chris is in the field that means that it was my turn to get sick...So that is what I've been doing the last week....pretty much trying not to die. So far I've been successful.
I just wanted to let you all know that we haven't dropped off the face of the earth.
Love and stuff!
Hope your feeling better! Give the boys a big hug! Love ya! A. Hazel
Kerri, the picture is great. The boys are both getting so big! I hope you're feeling better.
Hi Kerri
I love the picture of the boys! The sound on my computer is messed up, so I couldn't tell what Alex was saying, but I enjoyed watching it anyway! Hope you are feeling better by now!!
Love you guys
Happy friends and happy time! I like your site and those pictures. Thank you! Welcome you to come to my blog:
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