Saturday, January 28, 2006


I'm so sorry for the lack of posting lately. Since my mom left and Chris went back to work, we have all been trying to get into our new schedule. Chris FINALLY went back on day shift and the boys are back in school after their long holiday break and you would think that we had never done the "typical schedule" thing before.

Nothing really new or exciting to write about so I will just leave you with a warm Hello and hope you all are doing fine and this picture that Alex took while we were sleeping yesterday....and yes he knows he is not supposed to have the camera.

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Friday, January 06, 2006

Sue's Trip...the highlights.....

Hi to all!! So far having my mom here has been great. Thursday we mangaged to book a room at Edelweiss Lodge and Resort in Garmisch. The picture above is from our balcony....
The kid with the blue noodle is Alex....He had so much fun swimming. Chris is worn out...(Mom and I went to the casino instead)
Another of 2/3 of the boys enjoying the balcony.....
The boys waiting for Cris to bring the car around....
The front of Edelweiss.....
The town of Garmisch.....
This was taken in Munich......
This is also in Munich. We went to the Hard Rock Cafe close to this. Somehow I managed to not get any pictures in Hard Rock. I think I was too busy enjoying the first proper hamburger in over three years that I just completely forgot.
Grandma and the boys ...worn out from our whirlwind trip to the Alps.....

I have more pictures...I'll post them in a day or two.