Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Happy Halloween!

So, the last two months have just crawled by. First Chris was in the field and then he was in Alabama and Charleston, South Carolina doing inspections on aircraft. It was a big ol' mess but we survived and now he's back and will actually be around for the holidays!

I've finally started working on Book Fair stuff...I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Thank goodness I have some great people willing to help me out. It's a huge job.

Saturday I had Bunco..Finally. I had missed the last few months due to vacation and just not having a sitter. This month of course had a Halloween theme so we all dressed up and acted stupid. Good times.

Tonight we took the boys Trick-or-Treating...we had some guy dressed as a Werewolf following us around. He never said anything or tried to scare the boys...I guess he was just stalking us. hehe Chris (dressed in black with a hooded robe plus light saber) stayed at our building and handed out candy. For once we didn't run out. Thank goodness most of our stairwell neighbors contributed to the stash.

I'm sure you've noticed by now the pictures at the top of this update....Gabe is dressed up. He is dressed like the cartoon character Ben 10 (you just can't see the black striped shirt under his jacket) and of course Big Al is a Alexsaurus....

Happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

October came quick.....

I know, I know, I know, that I promised to write every week but I couldn't seem to find time last week to resize the pictures.
Chris came home last Sunday from the field...and he is already gone AGAIN. This time he isn't in the field....He's in Alabama and next week he'll be in South Carolina. So please forgive me for not posting during the only week I've seen him....(did you like the pity party?..it was fun for me too.)

So what has been going on?...Tons. There is nothing like dealing with last minute military plans...seriously, I don't think Chris' head has quit spinning.
Our car: the registration expired while we were in the US so now we are dealing with many headaches ...I won't even go into it because it's a long and boring story that just gets me all worked up and there is nothing I can do but shell out more money because of that nasty thing that people refer to as "red tape"...ugh.

Gabe turned 10 yesterday...I'm still trying to "deal" with the fact that I have a kid in the double-digits...It kinda hurts. The kid is a DECADE old. I fully remember being 10 so this is just a bit surreal to me. Of course I'm not so thrilled that my "baby" is 7....Darn numbers!

In other Gabe news: He has joined Boy Scouts this year. He's a Webelos....
This is where I start to feel really inadequate as a parent. He needs Chris around for these things. I guess I'm going to have to learn to tie knots and make sure he works on earning his badges and belt loops....I'm so clueless....aka Mom that was only a Brownie for two years and even one of those years was spent play Red Rover in the back of a beauty salon instead of earning badges.

Alex news: Not so much...He's thriving (somewhat) in First grade and making us all just a bit nuts. I think we really threw him off by coming to the States. Oh well, we just can't sit in our home forever.....

I guess that about covers us.
Write me comments of send e-mails and let me know how all of you are doing.
I never hear anything.

and these are the pictures from Family Day (September 24, 2006)when Chris was in the field. We had a nice time but 4 hours just wasn't enough.