Happy Halloween!

So, the last two months have just crawled by. First Chris was in the field and then he was in Alabama and Charleston, South Carolina doing inspections on aircraft. It was a big ol' mess but we survived and now he's back and will actually be around for the holidays!
I've finally started working on Book Fair stuff...I had no idea what I was getting myself into. Thank goodness I have some great people willing to help me out. It's a huge job.
Saturday I had Bunco..Finally. I had missed the last few months due to vacation and just not having a sitter. This month of course had a Halloween theme so we all dressed up and acted stupid. Good times.
Tonight we took the boys Trick-or-Treating...we had some guy dressed as a Werewolf following us around. He never said anything or tried to scare the boys...I guess he was just stalking us. hehe Chris (dressed in black with a hooded robe plus light saber) stayed at our building and handed out candy. For once we didn't run out. Thank goodness most of our stairwell neighbors contributed to the stash.
I'm sure you've noticed by now the pictures at the top of this update....Gabe is dressed up. He is dressed like the cartoon character Ben 10 (you just can't see the black striped shirt under his jacket) and of course Big Al is a Alexsaurus....
Happy Halloween!