Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Friday, November 25, 2005
Monday, November 21, 2005
I wish I didn't have to write this....
Let me just start this off by saying : We love you and will miss you GG/Grandma/Faye. We are truly sorry that we couldn't be there to say goodbye. Our hearts are breaking.
I hate feeling helpless and that is exactly how I feel. There is so much more to say but I know that this isn't the right place for it so I will just send my deepest sympathies to Shannon, Tommy, Cindy, Betty, Judy and Patty...and the rest of the family. We love you.
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Sunday, November 13, 2005
I'm too lazy to think of a good quote......

Chris thanks you all for the birthday wishes and congrats. He would tell you so himself...but I won't tell him the password..hehehe I'm kidding. He's busy trying to get through to Gabe.....We are having clean room issues.
Chris' birthday was a nice day. We went up to Katterbach to do some much needed grocery shopping. I even managed to get a decent rug for the dining room and one of those no slip pads for under the runner in the hallway. I was sick of the cat sliding on it in the middle of the night.
I know I promised pictures of the house but we have been so crazy that I just haven't taken any.
Oh yeah, I haven't finished Chris' birthday recap. He got his chinese food but we brought it home and watched the OU game...well, what we could. I sometimes feel like we jinx them so we will turn the channel until we feel it's safe. Go OU!! The flag is proudly flying and enhancing the Christmas lights. Our neighbors (also from MWC and the husbands dad teaches at OU and the daughter is a current student) also feel like the flag enhances the buildings exterior.
Today was "be really boring" day. We just did a few domestic things and watched movies.....
Chris has tomorrow off but both the boys go back to school..whew..It was about time. They haven't been to school since last Tuesday. Wednesday and Thursday were parent/teacher conferences and you all know that Friday was Veteran's Day so....It's time for them to go back....Momma...and Daddy need a break.
Have a good one! I'm off to watch some "movie" that Chris has picked
**The picture above was taken last November while Shannon and Bob were visiting.
Friday, November 11, 2005
Up to speed....

I just wanted to let you know that your good thoughts worked.
Chris passed the flight aptitude test on his first try!!!!
He just has a few more steps to go before his packet is completed and then it can be turned in for (hopefully) approval.
As I talked about in the earlier post....the Christmas tree did in fact go up last Sunday. We need help:)..
I had to go to Alex's parent teacher conference yesterday. He's doing way better than they expected. You have no idea how happy this makes us.
Since it's Veteran's Day and almost Chris' birthday, I'm kindly letting the Veteran/Birthday boy sleep in this morning. We don't have any plans for today but tomorrow I know that Chris is getting Chinese food for his B-day supper. It's what he wants. I feel bad that he doesn't have any presents to open tomorrow. You see, last month while Chris was in the field I ordered him him a nice wool top coat and a new soft-end blanket (his old yellow one is on its last "legs") and they should have been here before he got back...but that didn't happen...also by some strange turn of events the box was sent by boat and showed up falling apart and soaking wet. This of course meant that the contents had to be inspected right away so the surprise was ruined....It's a good thing that JCPenney ships their stuff individually sealed in plastic.
I hope you all are well. Hugs and Kisses....
Just FYI..the second picture is of Chris at the age of 5...
Monday, November 07, 2005
Saturday, November 05, 2005
Weekend.....Life....I'm worn out.....

Thank you to all that have visited. We miss you.
Just so you know, the picture below was taken last month while the boys were out playing after school.
The picture on this post was from Gabriel's field trip to the Freilander Museum (this same museum where Alex decided he wanted to go "swimming" 2 years ago...and during his rescue I lost my shoes)... Gabe is posing with the bread he made. On that trip he also learned about spinning wool, barrel making, blacksmithing, butter making and just general life in the "olden days" in Franconia....
In the next post I will post pictures from Halloween and the new living and dining room furniture. I barely recognize my own home.
Today we went to Wurzburg to get Christmas lights and Taco Bell...both of these things rank really high in priority in this household. We also did the grocery shopping..but that's not too much fun.
Tonight we put up the Christmas lights on the balcony. I'm sure you will all be shocked to find out that our tree isn't up yet....probably tomorrow.
Chris has been pretty busy lately. He has been diligently working on his Warrant Officer packet and is hoping to have it completed and sent in by March for selection. I can honestly say that it will not hurt me to tell people that I'm married to a pilot...*grin* All next week he will be going to Katterbach to take tests and have his picture made...Think good thoughts on Thursday. That is the day he takes his flight aptitude test.
. Tomorrow is lazy day. We gutted the house on Friday so there isn't much left to do. Chris even managed to get our old couch down three flights of stairs and into the bulk refuse dumpster out back...all by himself.....I was afraid he was going to kill himself or at the very least throw his back out again.. but all is well and our spare bedroom looks so much better.
I guess I'm done rambling. Mucho love to all!